quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2012

Greasers day

Hello everyone, its me Juliana, and today was a important day for our band. Me, Bianca, Lucas, Matheus, Samuel, Barbara and Tamyra passed all day together to decide other things that we have to do, we finished the choreography, we made our "week challenge", talking with our teacher, Bruna (you'll see this video soon), we made Grese paper discs, etc... I  have many others importants things to tell you about our band:
First: We wont post our video "Call me maybe" 'causo of many technical problems, really sorry ):
Second: The choreography is already finished, and soon, we will show it for you
Third: We made a interview with our math teacher, Bruna, it will be available soon
See you guys, bye

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